Within the framework of the latest emergency measures related to COVID-19, beginning March 16, 2020, consular services will be provided as follows: Until further notice, no new appointments will be scheduled; Those who already have an appointment will be contacted by email; The issuance of passports and the provision of consular services will continue to […]
On March 9, 2020, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers issued a decree outlining urgent measures to combat and contain the coronavirus ( Having regard to the protection of Italian citizens abroad, and in order to provide information to the general public, we draw attention on the following points: – Italian citizens who reside […]
Read moreApplication for the Eduitalia Scholarships 2020
Application for the Eduitalia Scholarships 2020 are now open and available on the website of the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC by clicking on the Eduitalia logo placed on our homepage. Applications are open to students who will take the Italian AP exam 2020. A total of 23 grants will be awarded. The grants […]
Read moreCoronavirus Advisory
New coronavirus. Alert 4 for the Lombardy and Veneto Regions (update 29 February 2020). The United States maintains the travel alert for Italy at level 3 (“Avoid Non Essential Travel”). However, in light of the spread of Coronavirus in some areas of the country, on February 29, 2020, the Department of State raised the travel […]
Read moreCoronavirus. Update on the situation in Italy
February 27, 2020 update. There are 528 confirmed cases in Italy, with 14 deaths and 37 recoveries. Compared to yesterday, there has been a 97% increase in the number of recoveries, vis-à-vis a 29% increase in infections that, in any case are a small minority (4.8%) of those tested for it, who amount to over […]
Read moreCorona Virus advisory
Coronavirus. Health safety measures in aeroports Update: in order to cope with the spread of the coronavirus in the country, local authorities have declared a state of public health emergency. In conformity with this declaration, starting Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 5 pm (eastern standard time) all non-US citizens who have stayed in China in […]
Read moreAggiornamento Emergenza CoronaVirus
Il 21 gennaio 2020,nella città di Seattle (Stato di Washington), è stato identificato un casodi contagio da nuovo coronavirus, diffusosi a partire dalla città cinese diWuhan. Il cittadino americano contagiato era rientrato da un viaggio a Wuhan. Leautorità sanitarie statunitensi stanno ponendo in atto le necessarie misure dicontenimento. Prima della sospensione del traffico aereo dalla […]
Read moreNuovo Corona virus – Rafforzamento controlli aeroportuali
In relazione al nuovo coronavirus diffusosi a partire dalla città di Wuhan, in Cina, le Autorità aeroportuali americane hanno avviato dei controlli sui passeggeri (rilevazione della temperatura corporea e verifica dei sintomi da contagio) provenienti o in transito da Wuhan e in arrivo negli aeroporti di Los Angeles, New York e San Francisco. I passeggeri […]
Read moreMarket survey for on-site service of the Consulate General of Italy in New York, for one year.
The Consulate General of Italy in New York is looking for security companies interested in participating in the bid for a one year cleaning contract. INVITATION
Read morePresentation of magazine “Civiltà delle Macchine”
The Consulate General of Italy in New York hosted an event to present Leonardo Foundation, established in November 2018 on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of Leonardo SpA, and of the publishing project “Civiltà delle macchine”, launched by the Foundation in 2019. The Foundation, whose goal is to enhance the archival-museum industrial heritage, promote […]
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